Spaying and Neutering for Pets

Contact our team for additional information or to schedule your pet's appointment.

Spay and neuter surgery prevents your pet from having unplanned litters. It can be worrying for pet owners when their pet has surgery scheduled, but at our clinic, we are experienced at keeping our patients comfortable and safe.

What is spaying and neutering?

Spaying and neutering are routine procedures to prevent pets from having litters or fathering offspring. With all surgeries, we run blood tests to ensure our patients are healthy enough to withstand anesthesia. During neuter surgery, the surgeon will make an incision near the scrotum and remove both testicles. For spay surgery, the ovaries and uterus are taken out through an incision on the abdomen. When the surgery is completed, our team will provide post-op instructions and schedule follow-up visits.

What is the right age for my pet to be spayed or neutered?

There is no right time for pets to have the surgery; however, it is usually recommended when they are around 6-months-old. At this age, your pet will have their first heat cycle and they will try to procreate. If your pet is older than 6 months, they can still have the procedure, provided they are healthy. To learn more, please contact us at 519-389-2020.

Why is spaying/neutering recommended for my pet?

Most people aren’t aware that spaying and neutering have additional health benefits. Many pets who aren’t spayed or neutered before they are sexually mature can develop diseases and infections when they are older. Here are some reasons why we recommend the procedure for our patients:

  1.  It prevents or stops bad habits pets develop when they are in heat. While in heat, pets can be aggressive, more territorial (spray your furniture), hump humans or objects, and even try to escape home to mate with other pets.
  2.  Prevents uterine and ovarian cancer, mammary tumours, and prostate cancer.
  3.  Lessens the stray population. The surgery will prevent unwanted pregnancies, often resulting in pets on the streets who are brought to overcrowded shelters.
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