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Guidelines for Dogs Traveling to USA
Guidelines for Dogs Traveling into the USA

Guidelines for Dogs Traveling to USA

As of August 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has implemented new regulations concerning the entry of dogs into the USA.

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Online Pet Pharmacies
online pet pharmacies

Online Pet Pharmacies

Shopping at online pharmacies can leave your pet exposed to dangers but also leave you without recourse if you need help. Here are some things to consider when shopping online.

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The Importance of Fecal Exams

The Importance of Fecal Exams

Fecal exams give your veterinarian the opportunity to check your dog or cat for intestinal parasites which are otherwise difficult to detect. 

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Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs

Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs

Chocolate can be toxic to dogs. This post provides an overview of the signs to watch for, treatment options, and prevention.

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Grape/Raisin Toxicity in Dogs

Grape/Raisin Toxicity in Dogs

Learn about the dangers of feeding your dog grapes or raising. They are toxic for your canine friend!

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Easter Lily Toxicity in Cats

Easter Lily Toxicity in Cats

Learn about this common, little-known but devastating toxin for cats.

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Canine Heartworm

Canine Heartworm

Heartworm in dogs can cause serious internal damage and even death. Learn more about heartworms and how to prevent them.

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Preventing Fleas in Your Pet

Preventing Fleas in Your Pet

Here are some facts about fleas and how to prevent them from infesting your pet.

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Focus on Dentistry

Focus on Dentistry

Your pet's dental health can affect their overall well-being. Learn about dental disease and what you can do to help prevent it.

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Off-Leash Dog Parks

Off-Leash Dog Parks

There are numerous benefits of a community off-leash dog park, as well as some potential concerns.

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Holiday Hazards for Pets

Holiday Hazards for Pets

The holidays are a time for giving, but there are some things you should not share with your pets.

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Skunk Deodorant Recipe

Skunk Deodorant Recipe

The biggest risk for pet owners (especially dog owners) is being sprayed by a skunk. If you do get sprayed, use this recipe to tackle the odour.

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